Learn more about the relationship between insomnia and anxiety

Insomnia and Anxiety: Deciphering the toxic relationship that affects millions of Spaniards.

Chronic insomnia is a problem that affects more than 4.2 million Spaniards, representing 10.8% of the adult population. The Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) highlights the toxic relationship between anxiety and sleep as a key factor.

Anxiety and its link with insomnia:

Anxiety, a natural response to stress, becomes a trigger for insomnia when it becomes chronic. The SEN identifies anxiety as one of the most common causes, making it difficult to fall asleep and maintain sleep.

The constant tension that accompanies anxiety can generate a state of hyperactivation of the nervous system, making it difficult for the body to transition to the rest necessary for deep sleep.

The challenge of insomnia at all ages:

Insomnia does not discriminate by age, manifesting itself in various demographic groups. Although more common in older adults, statistics highlight that women are more prone.

The search for effective solutions becomes a pressing need, not only to improve the quality of life of those affected, but also to reduce the social and economic impact that insomnia can have on society.

The revolutionary role of CBD in sleep and anxiety:

2019 studies on cannabidiol (CBD) show promising results. This compound, without psychoactive effects, demonstrated a significant reduction in anxiety and improvement in sleep , suggesting its therapeutic potential.

The findings revealed that CBD demonstrated a significant decrease in anxiety in 79.2% of patients within the first month of use. Additionally, improved sleep was recorded in 66.7% of participants. These results suggest that CBD could be a valuable therapeutic option to address the relationship between anxiety and insomnia.

Prioritizing sleep in modern society:

Despite growing awareness about the importance of sleep, society tends to minimize sleep deprivation. Ignoring this crucial aspect not only causes fatigue but also negatively impacts mental health and quality of life.

In a performance-focused world, recalibrating our perception of sleep and recognizing it as essential for overall health becomes imperative. Prioritizing rest not only improves your ability to cope with stress, but contributes to a more balanced and healthy approach to life.


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