How to reduce anxiety in a natural way to increase fertility

Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between stress and infertility, because anxiety seem to influence fertility, either as a cause of a problem conceiving naturally, or as a consequence of being diagnosed and/or treated for infertility.

Therefore, relaxation and stress relief techniques can be a good resource to increase the chances of having a child. 

CBD or Cannabidiol, an effective and 100% natural ally against anxiety and stress, can be helpful for couples trying to have children. 

We tell you all about it in this article.

Stress and fertility: how are they related?

The research on the relationship between stress, anxiety and infertility can be grouped into 4 main questions addressed by the studies:
- Stress as a cause of infertility 
- Stress as a consequence of infertility diagnosis and/or treatment. 
- Stress as a factor in the abandonment of infertility treatments.
- Stress as a factor influencing the efficacy of infertility treatments.

In relation to these issues, it is worth highlighting some conclusions that are widely agreed upon in the numerous studies carried out on the subject.

Stress as a cause of infertility

Most of the research on the relationship between emotional stress and infertility over the past 30 years has shown that, although infertility does cause stress, stress does not necessarily cause infertility. 

However, the debate is raging in the scientific community, as numerous studies show a clear link between stress/anxiety and difficulty conceiving, and many researchers are beginning to emphasize the importance of psychotherapy for patients who need help in managing anxiety, with the goal of increasing the chances of pregnancy. 

A 2011 study measured salivary markers of stress (cortisol and alpha amylase) in women seeking pregnancy, and showed that stress significantly reduces the likelihood of conception during fertile days.

On the other hand, there are many investigations that have studied the relationship of disorders such as anovulation and other menstrual and reproductive disorders with certain psychological conditions. Some of these investigations were able to determine that the causes of reproductive disorders are not always exclusive to the organic sphere, but that there are also various psychological aspects involved in their origin, maintenance and resolution, due to the reciprocal interaction between the central nervous system, the endocrine system and psychological factors.

Stress as a consequence of infertility diagnosis and/or treatment

One of the aspects of greatest consensus in research is that the diagnosis of infertility is a major life crisis for patients. Accepting that fertility is not something one can control is a great psychological necessity.

A 1991 study shows how at the time of diagnosis acute stress is reflected; while in the long term treatment chronic stress appears.

Stress as a factor in the abandonment of infertility treatments

Psychological treatment of stress in infertility patients can significantly improve fertility. But not only that, it can also reduce the number of treatment cycles and decrease the rate of abandonment of treatment, as has been shown by numerous investigations in this field. This is basically because, as a 1987 study showed, the majority of couples (77%) consider infertility a stressful or extremely stressful experience, with lack of control being the most stressful factor. All of this leads to greater problems during treatment and even to abandonment of treatment.

Stress as a factor influencing the efficacy of infertility treatments

There are many studies that show that the differences in managing stress in each infertility patient can influence the success rate of the treatment itself.

To cite a few examples: a 1991 study reported a decrease in anxiety and depression levels in a group of women who were exposed to a relaxation program, with a subsequent pregnancy rate of 34%. In another 2011 study, a statistically significant relationship was found between anxiety-state, depression and the likelihood of achieving an assisted pregnancy.

That is, psychological factors prior to assisted reproductive treatment may affect the outcome.

How can CBD help with fertility?

What seems evident is that stress and infertility are related: in some cases, stress influences fertility; in others, stress is a consequence of the diagnosis of infertility.

In both cases, resorting to relaxation techniques and other resources against stress and anxiety will be beneficial for those who are immersed in the search for parenthood, either through natural or assisted reproduction. 

CBD or Cannabidiol has proven to be a powerful natural ally against stress, since, taken in an optimal concentration, it has the following therapeutic effects related to stress reduction:
- Reduce anxiety.
- Improve sleep and rest.
- Promote relaxation and concentration.
And most importantly: all this without adverse side effects and completely harmless to the body. For example, taking CBD oil can be a great way to reduce anxiety naturally.

If you want to know more about the use of Cannabidiol or CBD to reduce anxiety, how to take it (the different products available and its administration method) and in what concentration, you can contact us here for personalized advice without commitment.

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