Nuestro compromiso con la calidad nos ha hecho desarrollar las primeras cremas con CBD y melatonina del mercado con las concentraciones más altas de CBD. Mejoran la elasticidad de la piel y tiene excelentes propiedades antioxidantes, calmantes y regeneradoras gracias a su alta concentración de ambos ingredientes.

Crema antiinflamatoria con CBD efecto frío
Crema antiinflamatoria con CBD efecto calor
Crema antiinflamatoria con CBD efecto frío-calor
crema CBD dolor Phexia
cremas CBD para deportistas
cremas CBD Phexia
Dr. Ana Fernández-Tresguerres Centeno, dermatologist and member of the Royal National Academy of Medicine, talks to us about anti-inflammatory creams with CBD.

Frequently Asked Questions about Anti-inflammatory CBD Creams

Are CBD anti-inflammatory creams effective?
CBD has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration, it relaxes and relieves pain in the application areas. Phexia's anti-inflammatory creams also contain CBD in high concentrations to ensure their effectiveness. These ingredients, combined with arnica, chili, or menthol, make our anti-inflammatory creams one of the best in relieving joint and muscle pain.
What is the most powerful anti-inflammatory cream?
Mayday contains 6% CBD (9,000 mg) which is the highest concentration available on the market and makes it the best product for treating affected areas, providing a pleasant sensation of relief.