CBD for skin care

CBD or cannabidiol is a derivative of the Cannabis Sativa plant that does not contain THC and, therefore, does not have its psychotropic effects on the Central Nervous System. Having clarified this, the beneficial properties of CBD have been widely demonstrated in a multitude of studies. In previous articles we have already told you in depth about the health benefits of CBD in various areas (anxiety, sleep problems, muscle recovery, pain relief...). In today's article we focus on CBD for skin care.

CBD for daily skin care

At the skin level, CBD acts through the endocannabinoid system by activating or inhibiting different cannabinoid receptors (mainly CB2), among others. These receptors are found in the epidermis, cutaneous nerve fibers, hair follicles, dermal cells and melanocytes.

There is a growing number of publications on the beneficial effects of CBD for the skin, and although more and more research is needed, numerous therapeutic applications have been proven so far, which we see below.

Antioxidant effect and barrier function

CBD acts as an antioxidant in response to UVB rays, which release free radicals that damage our skin. It also promotes the repair of keratins, especially those involved in wound healing. For all these reasons, it is very valuable in anti-aging formulas.

CBD for pain relief

In patients with neuropathic pain, CBD has an antalgic or pain-relieving effect, thanks mainly to its strong anti-inflammatory effect.

For patients with Butterfly Skin (epidermolysis bullosa), who have very fragile skin that blisters at the slightest touch, CBD is of great help, due to its anti-inflammatory, keratin repairing and analgesic properties. CBD not only relieves the pain of these patients, but also helps them to heal wounds faster and blisters are less likely to form.

Fat regulation (seboregulation)

CBD behaves as a highly effective sebum regulating agent. It not only reduces the production of lipids or fats, but is able to normalize a state of imbalance. In conjunction with its anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory effect, CBD has great potential for the treatment of acne.

CBD for hair loss

The hair follicle contains cannabinoid receptors, so CBD plays a role in some types of hair loss. In addition, its anti-inflammatory action also helps to improve aches and pains in people with sensitive scalp.

CBD for infections

Cannabidiol has potent activity against a variety of strains of different resistant bacteria, among other detected antimicrobial effects. It also potentiates the effect of Bacitracin, an antibiotic used mainly topically.

In addition to all these widely studied therapeutic applications for the treatment of skin problems, there are also studies that point to other applications that are not yet sufficiently proven: CBD for the relief of itching and for the improvement of pigmentation problems, among others. 

Therefore, as we mentioned before, clinical studies and solid scientific data are needed to give more validity and consistency to all these therapeutic applications of CBD on the skin.

Phexia's CBD and Melatonin Cosmetics

Not only CBD is one of the most promising active ingredients regarding skin care. In recent years there is also growing interest and research in Melatonin. This hormone, besides being largely responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms (and therefore key to nighttime sleep), also has great properties for skin care

Being a great unknown yet, Melatonin is able to enhance the effects of CBD, so the combination of both compounds are a great opportunity in the field of skin care, not only at anti-aging level, but also as an aid in the treatment of various problems of topical nature.At Phexia, we have a range of high quality cosmetics that combine CBD and Melatonin to maximize the properties of both ingredients. Visit our website and, if you have any doubt or question about which cosmetic is the appropriate one, you can write to wecare@phexia.com  and our specialists will attend to you.

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